Guarantees Features Icons

Price: Free.

Guarantees Features Icons


GA: Icons|Trust Badges|Logos is a Shopify app designed to enhance online stores by adding various icons, trust badges, and logos. This app helps in building customer trust and increasing sales by providing visual elements that highlight important store features and assurances. It's ideal for store owners looking to visually communicate their value propositions and build credibility with their customers.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Diverse Icon Selection: Offers a wide range of icons, badges, and logos to suit different store needs.
  • Customization Options: Enables customization to match the store's branding and design.
  • Trust Building: Aids in establishing trust with customers through the display of trust badges and logos.


The app is available for free, making it a cost-effective solution for merchants looking to enhance their store's visual appeal and trustworthiness without any additional investment.

User Feedback and Rating

It has an excellent rating of 5.0 on the Shopify App Store, indicating good user satisfaction and effectiveness in enhancing online stores.

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